LifecycleCoroutineScope has been renamed to DispatchLifecycleScope, along with its extension
function. The old names are still functional with a deprecated typealias. They will be removed in
the future. (#186)
CoroutineViewModel has been renamed to DispatchViewModel. The old names are still functional
with a deprecated typealias. They will be removed in the
future. (#186)
CoroutineTestExtension will now properly call Dispatchers.setMain(...) when injecting a
CoroutineScope into a function or when not injecting at all.
The DefaultDispatcherProvider class constructor has been changed to an object factory function
(operator fun invoke(): DispatcherProvider) and deprecated. This function will be removed prior
to the 1.0 release.
DefaultDispatcherProvider has been changed from a class to an object, and its functionality
changed. It is now a singleton holder for a default DispatcherProvider instance. To create a
default DispatcherProvider, use the interface's companion object factory function
Added TestBasicDispatcherProvider factory which uses CommonPool for default and io, but a
shared single-threaded ExecutorCoroutineDispatcher for main and mainImmediate to provide "
natural" dispatch behavior in tests without Dispatchers.setMain(...).