Marker interface for an IdlingCoroutineScope which indicates that its CoroutineDispatcher is DispatcherProvider.default
Special CoroutineScope with a DispatcherProvider which is an IdlingDispatcherProvider.
IdlingResource helper for coroutines. This class simply wraps a delegate CoroutineDispatcher and keeps a running count of all coroutines it creates, decrementing the count when they complete.
IdlingResource helper for coroutines. This DispatcherProvider implementation utilizes an IdlingDispatcher for each CoroutineDispatcher.
A JUnit 4 TestRule which creates a new IdlingDispatcherProvider for each test, registering all IdlingDispatchers with IdlingRegistry before @Before
and unregistering them after @After
Marker interface for an IdlingCoroutineScope which indicates that its CoroutineDispatcher is
Marker interface for an IdlingCoroutineScope which indicates that its CoroutineDispatcher is DispatcherProvider.main
Marker interface for an IdlingCoroutineScope which indicates that its CoroutineDispatcher is DispatcherProvider.mainImmediate
Marker interface for an IdlingCoroutineScope which indicates that its CoroutineDispatcher is DispatcherProvider.unconfined
Factory function for a DefaultIdlingCoroutineScope.
Factory function for an IdlingCoroutineScope.
IdlingDispatcherProvider factory function, which creates an instance using an existing DispatcherProvider.
Factory function for an IOIdlingCoroutineScope.
Factory function for a MainIdlingCoroutineScope.
Factory function for a MainImmediateIdlingCoroutineScope.
Register all IdlingDispatcher properties of the receiver IdlingDispatcherProvider with Espresso's IdlingRegistry.
Factory function for an UnconfinedIdlingCoroutineScope.
Unregister all IdlingDispatcher properties of the receiver IdlingDispatcherProvider with Espresso's IdlingRegistry.