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Version: 0.13.1

Member Injection

The Android framework has a number of classes which are initialized automatically for us:

  • Application
  • Activity
  • View
  • Service
  • BroadcastReceiver
  • Fragment (these are a special case. See fragments for more info)

Because we don't control their initialization, we can't use Dagger's constructor injection to provide their dependencies. Instead, we often choose to get our dependencies using member injection.

import android.os.Bundle
import tangle.inject.TangleGraph
import tangle.inject.TangleScope
import javax.inject.Inject

@TangleScope(UserScope::class) // Dependencies will be provided by the UserScope
class UserActivity : Activity() {

lateinit var logger: MyLogger

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// inject MyLogger


logger.log("started UserActivity")

Tangle's member injection is simple to implement.

  1. Define your dependencies using @Inject lateinit var
  2. Annotate your class with @TangleScope(<your scope>::class)
  3. Call TangleGraph.inject(this) in your class's onCreate(...).

The TangleGraph.inject(...) function uses the target's class in order to find the appropriate scoped MemberInjector.

TangleScope adds scope to target classes

In order to perform member injection with TangleGraph.inject(target), the target of the injection must be annotated with @TangleScope(...). This is how Tangle determines where the dependencies are coming from. For instance, your application may have an AppScope and a UserScope. For those two scopes, you would use @TangleScope(AppScope::class) or @TangleScope(UserScope::class) respectively.

Once a target class has an assigned scope, its dependencies will be validated at compile time. For example, if you scope an activity to AppScope but it requires a dependency which is only available in UserScope, the build will fail with a standard Dagger "MissingBinding" error message.

"Base" classes do not need a TangleScope annotation. The will be injected using the scope of their subclass.

Base classes

Large projects frequently have abstract base classes like a BaseActivity. These base classes may have dependencies of their own. Injecting from a base class is supported in Tangle.

@TangleScope(UserScope::class) // Dependencies will be provided by the UserScope
class UserActivity : BaseActivity() {

lateinit var logger: MyLogger

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

logger.log("started UserActivity")

class BaseActivity : Activity() {

lateinit var fragmentFactory: TangleFragmentFactory

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// inject this class and the subclass


Components must be added to TangleGraph

Tangle must know about your Component instances in order to inject your classes.

See setting up the TangleGraph for a simple example.