Package dispatch.test
DispatcherProvider implementation for testing, where each property defaults to a TestCoroutineDispatcher.
A polymorphic testing CoroutineScope interface.
Resets the singleton DispatcherProvider instance to the true default. This default instance delegates to the Dispatchers singleton object properties.
Delegates to runBlocking, but injects a DispatcherProvider into the created CoroutineScope.
"Basic" TestDispatcherProvider which mimics production behavior, without the automatic time control of TestCoroutineDispatcher and without the need for Dispatchers.setMain
Convenience factory function for TestDispatcherProvider, creating an implementation where all properties point to the same underlying TestCoroutineDispatcher.
Delegates to runBlockingTest, but injects a DispatcherProvider into the created TestCoroutineScope.
Creates a TestProvidedCoroutineScope implementation with optional parameters of TestCoroutineDispatcher, TestDispatcherProvider, and a generic CoroutineContext.