
open class ScopeFactory

Class used to create the TestProvidedCoroutineScope used in CoroutineTestExtension.

In order to provide a custom implementation of TestProvidedCoroutineScope:

  1. Create a custom factory which has a default constructor and extends this ScopeFactory

  2. Annotate your test class with CoroutineTest and pass your custom factory's KClass in as its parameter.


import dispatch.test.CoroutineTest
import dispatch.test.CoroutineTestExtension
import dispatch.test.TestProvidedCoroutineScope
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
fun main() { 
   class CoroutineTestNamedFactorySample {

  class TestCoroutineScopeWithJobFactory : CoroutineTestExtension.ScopeFactory() {

    override fun create(): TestProvidedCoroutineScope {
      return TestProvidedCoroutineScope(context = Job())

  class CustomFactorySample(val testScope: TestProvidedCoroutineScope) {

    fun `injected scope should have a Job context`() = runBlocking {

      testScope.coroutineContext[Job] shouldNotBe null


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fun ScopeFactory()


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open fun create(): TestProvidedCoroutineScope

Creates an instance of TestProvidedCoroutineScope. Uses the no-arg factory by default.


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