
CoroutineScope instance for the LifecycleOwner. By default, it uses the Dispatchers.Main.immediate dispatcher.

The lifecycleScope instance is created automatically upon first access, from the factory set in LifecycleScopeFactory.

The type of CoroutineScope created is configurable via LifecycleScopeFactory.set.

The viewModelScope is automatically cancelled when the LifecycleOwner's lifecycle's Lifecycle.State drops to Lifecycle.State.DESTROYED.


import dispatch.android.lifecycle.dispatchLifecycleScope
import dispatch.core.launchMain
import dispatch.internal.test.Sample5
fun main() { 
   // This could be any LifecycleOwner -- Fragments, Activities, Services...
class SomeFragment : Fragment() {

  init {

    // auto-created MainImmediateCoroutineScope which is lifecycle-aware
    dispatchLifecycleScope // ...

    // active only when "resumed".  starts a fresh coroutine each time
    // this is a rough proxy for LiveData behavior
    dispatchLifecycleScope.launchOnResume { }

    // active only when "started".  starts a fresh coroutine each time
    dispatchLifecycleScope.launchOnStart { }

    // launch when created, automatically stop on destroy
    dispatchLifecycleScope.launchOnCreate { }

    // it works as a normal CoroutineScope as well (because it is)
    dispatchLifecycleScope.launchMain { }


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